Working together to return our government to the people.








Past Events         Events


  Ongoing: Monthly Midcoast Peace and JusticeMeeting

The 1st Wednesday of Every Month: 7:00 - 9 p.m.

     First Universalist Church, 345 Broadway, Rockland Maine


  2015 May

Public Hearing for Legislation

Wednesday, May 27, 2015, 1:00 PM, Cross Building, Room 214
HP 956 Hearing Notice    text of HP 956

See full page of information about the hearing



On the State House steps, Wednesday, May 27 at 12:00 Noon

  • * Testify at the hearing, which will begin sometime after 1:00 PM
  • * Attend the rally and the press conference and stand with us behind the banner that says Corporations are not people and Money is not speech.


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Public hearing for LD 53, “An Act To Require Shareholder Consent for Corporate Political Contributions”

There is a bill in the Maine legislature which could obstruct or at least slow down the flow of corporate money to candidates and campaigns. We are sending this to you as you may be interested and available to testify at a legislative committee on your feelings about corporate money in politics. This bill is separate from the We The People Maine resolution which has not yet been assigned to a committee.

The public hearing for LD 53, “An Act To Require Shareholder Consent for Corporate Political Contributions,” will be at the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee meeting in Augusta on Wednesday, February 4, at 10:00 am. Testimony is limited to 3 minutes. Please contact the bill's sponsor, Rep. Deane Rykerson (D-Kittery), if you would like to submit testimony (, 207-439-8755). Read LD 53.

Jan Carpenter for

Past Event - no longer scheduled - starting Tuesday May 20, 2014, every Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m.

The Alliance for Democracy Downeast, in collaboration with the Citizen Initiative campaign, will be hosting a weekly “Sign On” session at the Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine, starting May 20, every Tuesday from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.

These will be an opportunities to sign the WTP Maine Citizen Initiative petition and to find out more about the effort to stop corporations from claiming Constitutional rights as persons. Registered Maine voters may sign the petition, and all are welcome to join in the conversation about what has been happening to people's rights and what can be done about it.

         Peace & Justice Center of Eastern Maine
         96 Harlow Street, Suite 100, Bangor Maine 04401
         phone: (207) 942-9343            Google Map

For more information about the Citizen Initiative, please explore this website. For more information about the P&J Center Sign On event contact Jan Carpenter (326-8635) or Bonnie Preston (374-3636).

  2014 November

November 4, U.S., State and Local Elections

Thank you to the many people who collected signatures at Maine Polling Locations.

Please email or call to get petitions and information kits for collecting Citizen Petition signatures

  2014 June

June 10 Primary and Local Elections

Thank you to everyone who collected signatures at Maine Polling Locations on June 10.

Please email or call to get petitions and information kits for collecting Citizen Petition signatures

  2014 March

Saturday March 15, Signature Gathering Parties


Statewide Training Workshop


Saturday March 8,  noon to 3 p.m.

     Mediation & Facilitation Resources Center, Great Room

     11 King Street, Augusta Maine   Google map:directions to Mediation & Facilitation Center

  2014 January and February

Thursday Jan. 23, 2014
Final approval for our Citizen Initiative Petition
After the required (3 weeks) analysis of financial impact, we expect to receive the petition, ready for copying and distribution, at a training session by the Secretary of State's office during the week of February 10.

Statewide Organizational Meeting


Saturday January, 18, noon to 3 p.m.

     Mediation & Facilitation Resources Center, Great Room

     11 King Street, Augusta Maine   Google map:directions to Mediation & Facilitation Center

Friday Jan. 3, 2014 - Citizen Initiative Petition approved!
Our application for a Citizen Initiative Petition was approved by the Maine Revisor of Statutes and the Maine Secretary of State. All important language and concepts including the exact wording of our recommended Constitutional Amendment was retained by the Revisor of Statutes and Secretary of State.
History: On Monday, January 6, we submitted a request for a few minor changes, primarily in the title and the summary which is the text voters will see on the ballot. We expect our request and the final petition will be approved sometime this week, e.g. sometime before Jan. 11.

All of the final language approved by the Revisor of Statutes and We The People Maine for the final Citizen Initiative is shown on our full inititative pages.

  2013 November and December

December 11, 12 Noon - Press Conference and Rally
Citizen Initiative Petition filed!


Wednesday, December 11, 12 noon

Welcome Center, 1st Floor, Maine State House, Augusta Maine

Google map:directions to Maine State House  Google aerial view

Press Release    Complete Initiative    Bangor Daily News Story    MPBN Story    the AP story has now been picked up by Maine newspapers (here in Morning Sentinel)
   What happens now? (see 2nd paragraph titled Then What)
   Please join and help us in our work

Original Invitation

supporting a constitutional amendment to return our country to the people by an amendment that declares Corporations Are Not People and Money Is Not Speech hopes you will join us at our rally and press conference.

  November Statewide Organizational Meeting


Saturday November 23,  12 noon to 3 p.m.

     Mediation & Facilitation Resources Center, Great Room

     11 King Street, Augusta Maine   Google map:directions to Mediation & Facilitation Center




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          we need your help


          WTP Maine on Facebook     WTP Maine on Google+


Return government to the people.



This website is maintained by an organization sponsored by The Midcoast Peace & Justice Group and registered with the Maine Ethics Commission.